If this album (and project) were previously unknown to you, do yourself a favour and check out what Antonello Giliberto is capable of. Not only can he shred like a madman, but he can fashion lively, memorable guitar melodies, as well as an incredible record. The sick drum beats, virtuoso guitar and key solos, and rich background parts create a soundtrack that is practically alive. This is a must-listen for fans of Yngwie Malmsteen, Galneryus, the soundtrack scores of Two Steps from Hell, and epic fantasy movies.
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The music tells an exciting layered story that despite their different natures still form a cohesive total. Fast tracks are varied with easier tunes on which Antonello on one hand really likes to show what he’s made off, but on the other hand also knows to take a step back for a nice piece of music. This is a neo-classical metal tour de force from a virtuoso talent. So if you are of fan of shredding, this one is definitely for you.
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The record's heavy, very dark and classically influenced, with a mix of strong melodies and fierce metal riffage! "The Mansion of Lost Souls" is home to 12 tracks full of the guitar abuse!! It’ll appeal to both guitar enthusiasts as well as fans of guitar driven metal!
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Get the sound of master Yngwie Malmsteen, with this patch created for Line 6 Helix/LT/HX Stomp and Pod Go (IR included). 4 snapshots to recreate the tone of the Swedish legend!
Please, after purchasing it, specify which patch you want, whether for Helix or for Pod Go.
You will find 4 snapshots, 1 is the main tone, 2 tone for volume swell (violin sound), 3 long delay that Yngwie often uses during his solo, 4 delay fors songs like "Brothers".
The patch was created with FRFR cabinet and also works very well in headphones, with a standard American stratocaster, with standard single coil pickups.
Of course you can change the eq to your taste.
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Get the brown sound of the legendary Edward Van Halen!
Available for Helix and Pod Go products!, with this patch created for Line 6 Helix/LT/HX Stomp and Pod Go (IR included).
The patch was created with FRFR cabinet and also works very well in headphones, with a standard American stratocaster, with Di Marzio HS3 pickups.
Of course you can change the eq to your taste.
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